🟢Available for jobs

Sup! My name is Fariz Rifqi.

I'm a self-taught software engineer from Indonesia, specializing in backend development.

I enjoy solving complex problems in to simple programs. Currently focus on learning Blockchain and LangChain.

Discover more about my work and passion for coding on this site. P.S. zeraneL is my gaming alias!

Fariz Rifqi
My Resume


My services are tailored to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction designed to you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

Web Application or Development

  • Web3 App
  • Portfolio Website (Company Landing Page, Personal Page, etc)
  • Education System
  • Medical System
  • Enterprise System
  • E-Commerce
  • Other goods/stuff/finance management, etc.

CLI Based / Social Media Tools

  • Discord,Telegram, ...etc Bot
  • Blockchain Tools
  • Web Scraping
  • Common Bots


For now this only accept in scope for Indonesia and not available everytime.

  • Application Consulting
  • Human Tracking
  • Social Media helps, such paid checkmark verification.
  • etc.